Francesco Quatrini: Affiliated postdoctoral researcher

Francesco Quatrini is a postodoctoral researcher with the Department of Human and Social Sciences at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Originally from Recanati, Italy, he completed his PhD at the University of Macerata in March 2017. The revised dissertation has been published as Adam Boreel (1602-1665): A Collegiant’s Attempt to Reform Christianity (Brill, 2020) (

Currently he works on a PRIN project titled “Political Sacrifice in European Culture between the 16th and 18th Centuries.” His aim is to examine how the concept of sacrifice was used and further developed in resistance theories in the British Isles and Dutch Republic during the 17th century, and its long impact in the 18th-century revolutionary period.

As an intellectual historian, Quatrini investigates the role and significance of religious nonconformists and minorities for the development of enlightened political concepts and practices.

Francesco Quatrini: Affiliated postdoctoral researcher

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