Spiritualism bibliography: primary sources

Bainton Roland H., ed. Concerning Heretics. Whether They are to be Persecuted and How They are to be Treated, a Collection of the Opinions of Learned Men Both Ancient and Modern. New York: Columbia University Press, 1935.

Bangs, Jeremy D., trans. and ed. Letters on Toleration. Dutch Aid to Persecuted Swiss and Palatine Mennonites 1615– 1699. Rockport, 2004.

Bodin Jean, Colloquium heptaplomeres de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis e codicibus manuscriptis Bibliothecae Academicae Gissensis cum varia lectione aliorum apographorum nunc primum typis describendum / Joannes Bodinus ; curavit Ludovicus Noack, Hildesheim, 1970.

Bodin Jean, Colloquium of the Seven about Secrets of the Sublime. Translation with Introduction, Annotations, and Critical Reading, by Marion Leathers Kuntz, University Park, 2008.

Bünderlin, Johannes. “The Reasons Why God Descended and Became Man in Christ, Through Whom, and How, He Atoned for and Restored Man’s Fall and Man Himself Through the Messiah Whom He Sent.” Ed. and trans. by Claude R. Foster, Jr. and Wilhelm Jerosch. Mennonite Quarterly Review 42 (1968), 260-84.

Coornhert, Dirck Volckertszoon. “About the Constraints upon Conscience Practiced in Holland. A Conversation between D.V.C. and N.V.L., 7 November 1579,” Texts Concerning the Revolt of the Netherlands. E. H. Kossmann and A. F. Mellink, eds. Cambridge, 1974, 191-96.

———. A l’Aurore des Libertés Modernes: Synode sur la Liberté de Conscience (1582). Joseph Lecler and Marius-Francois Valkhoff, eds. and trans. Paris, 1979.

———.  Coornhert in het klein. Korte teksten over deugd, onwetendheid en volmaakbaarheid (Amsterdam Golden Age Series). trans. and ed. Ruben S. Buys. Amsterdam University Press, 2011.

——.  Synod on the freedom of conscience, translated, edited, annotated by Gerrit Voogt, Amsterdam, 2008.

———. Weet of Rust: Proza van Coornhert. H. Bonger and A. J. Gelderbloom, eds. Amsterdam, 1985.

———. Wercken, 3 vols. Amsterdam, 1630.

———. Zedekunst. dat is wellevenkunst. Bruno Becker, ed. Leiden, 1942.

Denck, Hans. Selected Writings. Edward J. Furcha, edHans Denck: Schriften. Georg Baring and Walter Fellmann, eds. Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer, VI. 3 vols. Gütersloh, 1955-1960.. and trans. Pittsburgh, 1975.

Fast, Heinold, ed. Der Linke Flügel der Reformation. Bremen, 1962.

Franck, Sebastian. 180 Paradoxes or Wondrous Sayings. Edward J. Furcha, ed. Lewiston, 1986.

———. Chronica, Zeitbuch und Geschichtbibel von Anbegin biss inn diss gegenwertig M.D xxxi. jar. Strassburg, 1531. [Now on Google Books]

———. Chronica, Zeitbuch und Geschichtsbibel. Ulm, 1536; photoreprint ed., Darmstadt, 1969.

———. Cronica-Abconterfarung und entwerrffund der Türckey. Augsburg, 1530.

———. Paradoxa. Siegfried Wollgast, ed. Berlin, 1966.

———. Sӓmtliche Schriften. Peter Klaus Knauer, ed. Berlin, 1991-.

———. Sebastian Francks lateinische Paraphrase der Deutschen Theologie und seine holländisch erhaltene Traktate. Alfred Hegler, ed. Tübingen, 1901.

———. Von den greulichen Laster der Trunkenheit. 1531.

Grotius, Hugo. The truth of the christian religion. With Jean le Clerc’s notes and addition. Edited and with an introduction by Maria Rosa Antognazzi, Indianapolis, 2012.

Joris, David. The Anabaptist Writings of David Joris. Gary Waite, ed. and trans. Scottdale, PA, 1994.

Köhler, Hans-Joachim, et al., eds. Early Modern Pamphlets: Sixteenth-Century German and Latin 1501-1530. Leiden, 1980ff.

Laube, Adolf et al., eds., Flugschriften vom Bauernkrieg zum. Täuferreich (1526-1535). 2 vols. Berlin, 1992.

———. Quellen zur Geschichte der [Wieder} Täufer. 16 vols. Leipzig and Gütersloh, 1930-.

———. Quellen zur Geschichte der Taufer in der Schweiz. 3 vols. Zurich, 1952-.

Mikron, Marten. Een waerachtig verhaal der t’zamenspekinghen. [Documenta Anabaptistica Neerlandica, III] W. F. Dankbaar (ed.). Leiden, 1981.

Schwenckfeld, Caspar. Corpus Schwenckfeldianorum. 19 vols. Leipzig, 1907-1961.

Simons, Menno. Dat Fundament des Christelycken Leers. H. W. Meihuizen, ed. The Hague, 1967.

Uitgezogte verhandelingen uit de Nieuwste Werken van de Societeiten der wetenschappen in Europa en van andere geleerde mannen: met naauwkeurige afbeeldingen. F. Houttuyn, 1759.

Vaderlandsche letteroefeningen. P. Ellerman, 1790.

Weigel, Valentin. Ausgewӓhlte Werke. Siegfried Wollgast, ed. Stuttgart, 1977.

———. Kirchen- oder Hauss-Postill. 1700.

———. Sӓmtliche Schriften, Will-Erich Peuckert and Winfried Zeller, eds. Stuttgart, 1966-1978.

———. Sӓmtliche Schriften. Will-Erich Peuckert und Winfried Zeller, eds.; new ed. By Horst Pfefferl. Stuttgart, 1996-.

Waite, Gary K. “‘A Recent Consultation of Lucifer’: A Previously Unknown Work by Sebastian Franck?” Mennonite Quarterly Review, 58 (1984), 477-502.

Williams, George Huntston and Angel M. Mergal, eds. Spiritualist and Anabaptist Writers: Documents Illustrative of the Radical Reformation. Philadelphia, 1957.

Spiritualism bibliography: primary sources
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