2017 Essay Collection

Below is the table of contents for the just-published collection of essays from a Sept. 2016 conference at London’s German Historical Institute (GHI):

  • Radicalism and Dissent in the World of Protestant Reform, edited by Bridget Heal and Anorthe Kremers (Göttingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht, 2017).

The conference was very productive for promoting dialogue among the invited researchers, but we want to open up the debate. The publication will, we hope, spark a broader set of discussions. Please feel free to join our debates online. (UPDATE 2021: In the introductory essay to the Special Issue of Church History and Religious Culture 101: 2-3, Gary Waite and Mike Driedger revisit many of the issues they began addressing in the 2016 GHI conference; see the announcement elsewhere on this website for details).

Three Amsterdamnified team members have essays in Radicalism and Dissent in the World of Protestant Reform:

  • Gary Waite, “The Drama of the Two-Word Debate among Liberal Dutch Mennonites, ca. 1620-1660: Preparing the Way for Baruch Spinoza?”
  • Mirjam van Veen, “Dutch Anabaptist and Reformed Historiographers on Servetus’ Death: Or How the Radical Reformation Turned Mainstream and How the Mainstream Reformation Turned Radical”
  • Mike Driedger, “Against ‘the Radical Reformation’: On the Continuity between Early Modern Heresy-Making and Modern Historiography”

2017 Essay Collection
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