
Ace Gammon-Burnett

Ace Gammon-Burnett

Ace Gammon-Burnett will be starting his MA studies at Brock U with Prof. Mike Driedger in September 2017. His research interests are broadly focused on early modern British religious and cultural history. His particular interest is the emergence of Puritanism within the Church of England, as well as the construction of theories of heresy, witchcraft, and demonology. He’ll be working toward a larger thesis project and his tentative area of research is an examination of the literary and institutional process of “heresy-making” in English Protestant print culture.

Brookelnn Cooper

Brookelnn Cooper

Brookelnn Cooper studied with Prof. Mike Driedger at Brock U. As part of her first MA Co-op work term (spring and summer 2017) she did research in Amsterdam for the Amsterdamnified Project, as well as for her own MRP (major research paper). She completed her MA in 2019. For details about her project (“Identifying the Anonymous Printer of Menno Simons’ The Blasphemy of Jan van Leiden [1627]: A Typographical Analysis”), which is slated for publication soon in the Dutch-language journal Doopsgezinde Bijdragen, see

In September 2019 Cooper started PhD studies at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. There she is continuing to focus her research on trans-national communication networks in Europe. As a case study she plans to examine foreign workers in the book trades in Amsterdam in the 17th century. At Queen’s, Cooper is studying with Prof. Jeffrey Collins.