Email group: “Spiritualist scholars network”

Spiritualist scholars network

As part of our Amsterdamnified! Project, we are seeking to collaborate with other scholars who are working in the area of spiritualism and spiritualists in Early Modern Europe. To do so, we have created an email listserv, and invite all interested scholars and graduate students interested in the subject to join this virtual research group, simply by emailing

Our goal is to begin discussions, raise research questions and seek answers, and provide a forum through which to push research and discovery in the field. We may do this by email, or we may switch to a FaceBook group or blog, perhaps through the Amsterdamnified! website, but those decisions will be made by the group. We can also discuss plans for meetings, symposia, or conferences.

The Amsterdamnified! Team is exploring spiritualism within a wide array of groups and individuals, to trace their personal, correspondence, and publishing networks, and see how the attitudes and approaches of particular writers/groups (Franck, Schwenckfeld, Joris, H. Niclaes & Familists, Coornhert, Castellio, liberal Doopsgezinden, Quakers, etc.) were taken up by others, reshaped, disseminated and utilized.

If you are interested in joining the Spiritualist listserv, simply email Gary Waite with a request to join:


Email group: “Spiritualist scholars network”

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