“The Devil Shoots Heresies at the Church”: About the Amsterdamnified Banner Image

For more details about the banner image of “The Devil Shooting Heresies at the Church” (ca. 1560s), see Michael Driedger and Gary Waite (together with Francesco Quatrini and Nina Schroeder), “From ‘the Radical Reformation’ to ‘the Radical Enlightenment’? The Specter and Complexities of Spiritualism in Early Modern England, Germany, and the Low Countries” in Church History and Religious Culture 101:2-3 (July 2021), 135-166.

SOURCE: Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, public domain (https://www.rijksmuseum.nl/en/collection/RP-P-OB-78.865)
“The Devil Shoots Heresies at the Church”: About the Amsterdamnified Banner Image

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